Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Wiki

Well, I've finished my site. Or at least for now. I spent about 8 hours on it today and did get a lot onto it. I was able to embed links, insert pics, attach documents, edit the sidebar, ad a gadget, create and insert a google calendar, etc. etc. I actually had a lot of fun with it and got a little bit addicted to adding more and more 'stuff'. I hope my students find it valuable. I created it as resource for my Fit & Well PE class. I'm wondering how to invite people to view it. Is it as simple as copying and pasting the url into an email? Oh, another question is how can I change the url or address? When I thought of it I had a different idea for the site, and then changed my mind so the current url doen't make sense for the actual site content.


  1. Wow Melissa, this is impressive. I think you were the first person in the class with whom I did a paired activity. You've finished way ahead of me. I've felt pretty overwhelmed in class. Too much coming at me and not enough time in between sessions to digest.

    A large part of my frustration stems from the fact that for two weeks during our class dates, I coordinated a visit to my school of 13 French students from Marseille. I also hosted their teacher and her daughter. That really zapped away my time for this tech class.

    A solution lies in the fact that SMCOE is offering workshops I can attend to catch up in areas that went too fast for me to follow in this class. That's a relief.
